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Explore Heart Healthy Activities This Spring

Written by:
Zanub Husain
Reviewed by: Rob Philibert MD Ph.D.

The Department of Health and Human Services encourages everyone to get “at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity.” This activity can be spread throughout the week to just 30 minutes a day. The benefits are immense and include reducing your risk for coronary heart disease which is one of the leading causes of heart attack and stroke among adults. Here are some ideas of how you can spring into action and take control of your heart health this spring:

  1. Go for a Jog
    Go the distance to improve your heart health in this simple and fun way for just 30 minutes a day. Running is a great moderate-intensity exercise you can do around your neighborhood, at the local park, or at the gym.
  2. Ride a Bike
    Get your heart pumping and your leg muscles moving by taking a spin on your bike this Spring. Riding a bike is a great way to go around and explore your area while getting in some heart-healthy physical activity.
  3. Have a Family Field Day
    What could be better than organizing a healthy family get-together that encourages healthy exercise habits and friendly competition? Schedule a day out at the park full of active games like frisbee, soccer, and tag.
  4. Join a Sports Team or Club
    Taking part in sports is not just for kids! Anyone can sign up for a friendly sports team through community or recreational centers. There are a number of adult sports clubs out there like tennis, volleyball, basketball, and many more!
  5. Dance
    Dancing is an incredible way to get your blood pumping and muscles moving. It can be a local/in-person dance class, an international/online dance class, or a dance-based video game. No matter what dance outlet you choose, it’s always fun to get your dance on!
  6. Garden
    Spend some time in the sun and plant some heart-healthy vegetables like squash or spinach. All that digging, weeding, and planting is sure to be a great workout to get your heart pumping as well.
  7. Join a Charity Walk
    There are tons of charity walks all over the nation. Show your support for a cause you are most passionate about by signing up for one of their events. At a charity walk, you can meet all sorts of people who share the same passion as you while getting in a healthy amount of cardio.
  8. Start Your Spring Cleaning
    Sure, this may not sound the most fun at first, but there are many ways to make it more exciting and manageable. By including other members of your household, you share the work and expedite the cleaning process, giving yourself more time to relax and destress.

As we spring into action and take this season to improve our heart health, we can also involve the best medical tools available. Find out where your heart health stands with Epi+Gen CHD™.  This heart disease risk assessment test could be your NextGen guide for healthier cardiovascular aging and preventative care.


  1. https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf